2 min readOct 31, 2019


Always sleep with head towards South or East and avoid head towards North or West. The positive pole is the head and negative pole is feet. Positive pole of Earth is North direction and Negative pole of Earth is South direction. So, if opposite poles attract and Like poles reject, our head (positive pole of body) should be towards South (negative pole of the earth) and feet (negative pole of body) should be towards North (positive pole of the Earth).In the Mahabaratha, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna that one should sleep with the head towards either East or South.Now, here comes the question of what you want. If you want material or physical gain you should sleep with your head towards South direction. So that the energy can enter your feet from North. Or, if you want spiritual growth you should sleep with your head towards East direction, so that the prana may enter directly from East, to your ‘Sahasrahara’.

• Elderly people, retired people and owners of a house (Gruhathipan) should take over South-west position for sleeping, in order to maintain peace of mind. South-West is the position of ‘Earth’ element. Only in the earth do seeds sprout. Head of the family can make strong decisions, implement it and make it fruitful by sleeping on the SouthWest corner of the house.

• Unmarried girls should sleep in the North-west position. South-west direction is prohibited, as it tends to make them stubborn. North-west is the position of air element.

• Youth and boys should sleep in the Southeast corner, so that they may be active. This will keep them in the ‘IS’ and results will give them ‘peace’.

