1 min readOct 31, 2019

Meaning of Gotra

The universe has a rhythm called chandas. Everything is in a wave function; the receivers of certain wave functions are known as Rishis. Rishi is a position; it is not the name of a person, and there are more than a thousand Rishis. Of these, seven are very important, and they relate to the seven chakras. Rishis have been there in every age; there are many stories about them. A Rishiis like the Dean, or the Vice Chancellor of a University. They also underwent training, and then became part of a Tradition. Like you say, ‘I am an Alumni of Harvard’, or ‘I am a Stanford graduate’, similarly, there are Gotras. ‘Go’ means knowledge, and ‘Gotra’ means, belonging to a particular knowledge group or RishiTradition. Just like we have different DNA or blood groups, we have different Gotras or families that come from certain knowledge groups, or Rishi traditions.